Going to space and beyond

Hyper deflationary, high reflection token

address coming soon...

Smart & comunity-focused tokenomics

Making sure that our project is sustainable and rewarding holders

4% to holders

A certain percentage of every out transaction is reflected to holders, in order to benefit diamond hands

2% to liquidity

2% of every transaction goes directly to pancakeswap v2's liquidity pool

4% to alcana protocol

4% of the tokens are going to the r&d wallet, & buyback wallet. learn more about it on our ROADMAP


We buy 2% of every out transaction AT MARKET PRICE, in order to proceed to manual burns in the future.


We'll use ALCANA as our testbed and resource provider to develop an innovative yield farming platform & our own semi-decentralized network.


ALCANA token launch

Intended to geather a community, providing smart tokenomics & testing basic functionnalities for future projects such as BNB rewards for holders.



Yield farming at it's finest. We will share more information in due time. Targeting 100% team expansion at the end of Q1 2022.


Beta Release

Closed beta on TestNet for ALCANA protocol's Dapp.

Learn how to trade ALCANA

ALCANA is based on Binance Smart Chian, learn how to trade SmartChain-based tokens with three simple tools.

Get BNB on your trustwallet
Track price with PooCharts
Trade fast with PancakeSwap

Litteraly the future of blockchain

In-fine, we intend to build the first semi-decentralized network that allows developpers to deploy functions that runs selectively on the centralized part of the network or the decentralized one. We think that empowering developpers is the only way to build a sustainable and reliable blockchain-based future.

Let's build it together.

Our fully-detailed whitepaper

We'll try to provide you with as much information as we can during every step of the project. Communication is key